Can cracked dentures be repaired?

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Can cracked dentures be repaired?

Dentures can often be repaired when damages are identified early.

Dentures are designed to replaced missing teeth and can go a long way in restoring both the form and function of one’s smile. They can be made from a number of materials, all of which are durable and strong. Although dentures are made to last, it is possible for them to be damaged over time. The good news is that most damages, such as chips and cracks, can be repaired if they are identified early enough. Read on to find out what causes damage to dentures, and what you can do to prevent these issues…

How do you maintain dentures?

Dentures are designed to last for many years, but it is important to know that they are relatively fragile and should be handled with care anytime that you remove them from your mouth. Never bend your dentures and be careful of damaging the clips when you take your dentures out for cleaning.

If dentures are left to dry out, they can become brittle and more prone to cracks and warping. For this reason, it is important that you soak your dentures every night while you are sleeping. When you wake up in the morning, simply rinse them with water before placing them back in your mouth.

Which foods can cause damage?

There are a number of foods that can cause damage to dentures. These include particularly hard and chewy foods like candy and chewing gum. Tough and chewy meat should also be avoided, as excessive chewing can damage your appliance or dislodge it from its correct position. Whole nuts are best avoided at least for the first few months of wearing new dentures — they tend to be very hard and can cause damage to your teeth and dentures. Hot beverages can cause dentures to warp, so be sure to enjoy your drinks at a lukewarm temperature.

By avoiding certain foods and drinks, it is possible to maintain the condition of your dentures and prevent damages like chips, cracks and warping.

Can cracks be repaired?

Fortunately, many damages can be repaired. If your dentist is unable to fix a broken denture, however, they may recommend that you have your dentures replaced. If you notice a chip or crack in your appliance, be sure to see your dentist as soon as possible.

Other possible signs that your dentures need to repaired, adjusted or refitted include difficulty chewing beyond the first week or so after you have had your dentures fitted; sores in your mouth; an unpleasant odour in the mouth; changing fit or dentures that feel loose; and difficulty with speaking even after the adjustment period with new dentures.

If you experience any of these issues, your dentist will examine your dentures and make any necessary adjustments or repairs in order to ensure a more comfortable fit.

How can we help?

At Crookes & Jenkins Dental, we offer several restorative treatments, including removable dentures to restore the form, function and appearance of natural teeth.

If you are missing multiple teeth and would like to maintain the structure of your mouth, we encourage you to come in and see us to discuss your treatment options. Dentures are often a suitable option for individuals who need to replace one tooth, all of their natural teeth or any number of missing teeth in between.

Before going ahead with denture treatment, we recommend that you have a thorough oral health check, including an examination of your teeth, gums and other soft tissues in the mouth. Radiographs will be taken to make sure that your remaining natural teeth are strong enough to support a denture. Once your dentist has confirmed that you are ready for treatment, the process of having your restorations fabricated and fitted can begin.

If you would like to find out what the denture treatment process involves at Crookes & Jenkins Dental, please have a look here.

If you would like to arrange an appointment, get in touch with us here or give us a call on 07 3367 1122.

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