Many people require wisdom tooth surgery at some stage. Because wisdom tooth removal is so common, it’s a good idea to know what the signs or symptoms of trouble are, so you can get to your dentist in a timely manner
Numerous problems may be caused by your wisdom teeth. The most noticeable symptoms of these remaining molars are pain and infection, but some non-painful but nevertheless serious conditions can arise. Did you know that you can suffer the destruction of your actual jawbone from untreated wisdom tooth issues? Cysts developing around unerupted wisdom teeth can lead to bone loss in the jaw, meaning that what could have been a simple, standard wisdom tooth extraction procedure may become more complicated to treat.
Why Can Wisdom Teeth Be Such A Problem?
Because space in your jaw is limited, the late appearance of four “third molars” can cause your jaw to be cramped. Because there isn’t enough space for them to grow behind the last set of molars, they can become impacted and fail to erupt into a useful position in the mouth.
What Happens If My Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?
Unfortunately, impacted wisdom teeth may herald their arrival with pain. This is because impacted wisdom teeth can be prone to infection in the gum surrounding the tooth.
How Do I Know If My Wisdom Teeth Are Impacted?
As mentioned, you may feel pain if there’s a problem with your wisdom teeth. Before it gets too bad, however, there are some warning signs that you can watch for. If you notice any of these symptoms, we thoroughly recommend scheduling an appointment with us at Crookes & Jenkins Dental so we can take the appropriate steps to halt any damage.
The first thing you should look out for is discomfort, sensitivity, or swelling in the very back of your jaw. While impacted wisdom teeth may not be visible, if the gums at the back of your mouth are inflamed and tender, it’s a very good sign that something is amiss.
It is important to remember that cysts around unerupted wisdom teeth can cause no pain. That doesn’t mean there is no problem! At Crookes and Jenkins Dental we recommend screening for the presence of wisdom teeth from late adolescence and will often recommend an x-ray to check for the presence of a cyst around an unerupted wisdom tooth.
How Can We Help?
At Crookes & Jenkins Dental, we believe that prevention is better than cure. We suggest keeping a close eye on the back of your jaw between the ages of around 15 and 25, as this is when wisdom teeth generally appear. If you notice any pain in the back of your jaw or see your teeth starting to shift position, please give us a call! Infected impacted wisdom teeth are no fun at all, and it’s far better to have your wisdom teeth removed before they start causing you pain. Wisdom tooth removal surgery is common and rarely comes with complications.
To find out more about the treatments we offer at Crookes & Jenkins Dental please have a look here.
To get in touch, please call (07) 3367 1122 or enquiry here.
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