If you think a check-up and clean is expensive, it’s nothing compared to the cost of neglect.
Having a check-up and clean every 6 or 12 months is ideal for maintaining good oral health. By taking care of your teeth on a regular basis, you reduce the risk of more serious oral health problems occurring.
The cost of neglect
If you ignore your oral health then you run the risk of problems such as gum disease, infection, abscesses and tooth loss. Gum disease is the leading cause of adult tooth loss, and yet gum disease is the easiest disease to prevent. Brushing and flossing your teeth every day as well as eating and drinking healthily can drastically reduce the chance of developing gum disease.
Signs and symptoms of gum disease
Signs that you may have gum disease include reddish gums around teeth, bleeding when you brush and floss, as well as sensitive gums. Gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease and if it is detected early, it can be treated. However, if gingivitis is not treated it can lead to gum disease—and gum disease cannot be cured, only managed.
Gingivitis doesn’t always lead to gum disease, but when it does it can cause serious oral health problems such as tooth loss. Gum disease has also been linked to overall health problems such as:
- Cancer
- Diabetes
- Heart attack
- Chronic kidney disease
- Alzheimer’s
The link between gum disease and these serious health problems has to do with bad bacteria as well as the inflammation caused by gum disease.
With a good at-home oral hygiene routine as well as regular check-ups, you can drastically reduce the risk of gum disease, and minimise the risk of problems like tooth loss.
A toothache
Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. If you experience a dull, throbbing persistent pain, call your dentist. No tooth pain of any kind is good, but a persistent pain that can’t be alleviated by painkillers is often indicative of an underlying issue. If this is not treated, it can often cause serious problems. A toothache can sometimes indicate an abscess or decay that has reached the tooth root.
If you are experiencing toothache or sore gums, you should visit your dentist for a check-up.
Neglecting to take care of your oral health can result in needing involved treatments like root canal therapy or dental implant treatment. These treatments, which restore your oral health and alleviate pain, are beneficial but also avoidable if you take proper care of your oral health.
Save yourself time and money: visit Crookes and Jenkins Dental for regular appointments
A regular check-up and clean allows a dentist to clean your teeth more thoroughly than you can with a toothbrush and flossing. During a regular check-up, your Crookes and Jenkins dentist will assess your oral health and make sure there are no underlying oral health issues. By preventing problems, you can save yourself thousands of dollars, and maintain good oral health.
If you would like to know more or to request an appointment at Crookes and Jenkins Dental, please contact us today.
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