Children’s Treatments

Brisbane Children’s Treatments Paddington Rosalie

Looking after their oral health right from the start

As a family dentist, Crookes and Jenkins see a lot of children and teenagers. We love treating and educating younger patients of the importance of oral care as we firmly believe prevention to be the best method of care. While every patient is different and will need a personalised treatment plan, these are the most common children’s treatments we perform.

Regular check-ups

We recommend bringing your child in to visit us at Crookes and Jenkins before they reach the age of two. Ideally, we would like to assess and keep track of the development of teeth as baby teeth throughout the entire growth process as baby teeth are the foundation for their adult teeth in the future. Check-ups are extremely important throughout childhood as children are more prone to decay and we can only catch this early if we are seeing your child regularly.

During a check-up, we will generally assess the entire mouth and teeth looking for any abnormalities or changes since the last appointment including signs of decay. We will also give a full scale and clean removing any tartar that has developed since their last appointment. If there is any sign of decay we will either treat the area with a filling or organise for another appointment to do so.

Tooth decay

The most common dental problem seen in infants and younger children is decay. The importance of baby teeth and their health is usually overlooked, but the state of the baby teeth lays the foundation for the child’s oral health in future.

Baby teeth are necessary not only to maintain the form, function and appearance of a child’s smile, and their eating and speaking habits but also serve to hold spaces for developing permanent teeth. If the baby teeth are decayed or fall out early, the future of the child’s smile and jaw development will be compromised. Baby teeth decay easily because the enamel is much softer than the enamel of permanent teeth.

Babies left with a bottle and those frequently nursed, especially at night, are in danger of developing bottle and nursing decay due to prolonged exposure to milk (human milk is no exception) or juice. Another common decay problem seen in preschool children is due to frequent exposure to sugary, starchy and acidic foods, including all forms of juices, cordials and soft drinks. Frequent snacking generally promotes dental decay as bacteria in plaque produces acid from foods or drinks. Teeth frequently exposed to these acids will decay.

Our team of dentists and oral health therapists will work with you to ensure that you and your child are armed with the knowledge and care to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Should dental problems, such as tooth decay, occur, early detection and prevention will minimise trauma. Visits for children should start at 18 to 24 months of age, or when their first tooth appears.

Fissure sealants

Many of the cavities in children’s teeth occur in the deep pits and grooves of molar teeth. While fluoride significantly reduces tooth decay on the smooth surfaces of the teeth, sealants prevent cavities in the molar grooves. Sealants are a plastic resin that is applied to the tooth’s surface. When in place, the sealant covers the deep pits and grooves of the teeth, protecting them from harmful bacterial plaque, which may cause tooth decay. We often suggest this treatment for children as a preventive measure for decay.

Orthodontics for children

As we assess the development of your child’s teeth over their childhood years we may begin to detect problems with their bite or overcrowding of teeth. If this is the case we may refer your child to a trusted orthodontist.

Children’s Treatment for Patients in Paddington Brisbane at Crookes & Jenkins Dental

If you are looking for a family dentist or want to find out more about children’s dentistry treatments please do not hesitate to contact the friendly team at Crookes & Jenkins.

Frequently Asked Questions

A fissure sealant is a dental procedure where a thin protective coating, typically made of dental resin, is applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. These surfaces have natural pits and grooves, known as fissures, which can trap food particles and bacteria, making them susceptible to tooth decay. By sealing these fissures, the accumulation of debris and plaque is prevented, reducing the risk of cavities. Fissure sealants are commonly used, especially in paediatric dentistry, as a non-invasive and cost-effective means to maintain oral health and protect teeth from decay, promoting overall dental well-being.

The longevity of a fissure sealant can vary depending on several factors, including the sealant material used, the skill of the dentist or dental hygienist applying it, and the individual’s oral hygiene habits. On average, fissure sealants can last anywhere from 5 to 10 years, or even longer in some cases. However, they need to be checked during regular dental check-ups for any signs of wear or chipping. If a sealant shows signs of wear or damage, it can be repaired or replaced to continue providing protection to the tooth’s chewing surface. Good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental visits, can help extend the lifespan of fissure sealants and reduce the risk of decay in the sealed teeth.

Dental sealants can benefit a wide range of individuals, including children, adolescents, and adults with deep pits and fissures on their teeth, those at high risk of cavities, orthodontic patients, and anyone with challenging-to-clean fissures. These thin protective coatings are particularly valuable for preventing tooth decay in the back molars and preserving tooth structure by offering an extra layer of defence against cavities. However, it’s essential to consult with a dentist for an individualised assessment of your oral health needs and to determine whether sealants are a suitable addition to your preventive dental care plan, in addition to regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene practices.

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