How to take care of your dental implants after surgery

Dental Implant Surgery Brisbane

How to take care of your dental implants after surgery

Dental Implant care in Rosalie

Dental implants provide our patients with the option of having fixed tooth replacements. While a new and improved smile is one of the benefits, all good things take time – and healing is a process. Dental implant is a surgery and like every surgery, there is healing time. With this procedure, it takes up to three to six months for the tissue to completely heal. In the first few days after the surgery, you may experience tenderness, swelling, slight pain and discomfort and minor bleeding. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen then do not hesitate to contact us at our Rosalie clinic.

There are a few do’s and don’ts to promote healing after dental implants:

1. Be mindful of what you eat and drink

For at least two days after the surgery, we advise that you do not eat any hard foods or drink cold beverages. Your gum tissue may be inflamed or tender after the procedure and eating hard foods may agitate your sensitive gums.

Recommended foods and drinks are:

· Fruit juice, a lot of water, coffee, tea

· Soft cereal or yoghurt

· Scrambled eggs, soft cheese

· Home cooked broth, noodles or soups

·Ground beef, baked fish, and shredded chicken.

2. Do not interfere with the area after dental implant surgery

It is important to remember that the surgical area will still be tender. The lesser the interference, the faster the healing. We at Crookes & Jenkins recommend that our patients do not touch the area with their tongue or fingers. This may be hard to do in the beginning but it is crucial to the healing process. It is also recommended that liquid is not consumed through a straw but rather in small amounts from a glass.

3. Do not neglect oral hygiene after dental implants

Oral hygiene plays an important role in the healing process and your mouth should be kept as clean as possible. While you should brush twice a day, switch to a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoid brushing vigorously.

4. Rinse with salt water

Salt is used to cleanse the mouth from bacteria and gum infections. Mix a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and use this to rinse your mouth after every meal for the first three days following the procedure.

5. Avoid alcohol and smoking

Alcohol contact to any wound is usually not advisable especially after surgery. Try to refrain from drinking for the first week as the area will still be tender and alcohol could result in burning and extended discomfort. Tobacco from cigarettes increases your risk of gum disease and decreases your healing time post-surgery. Try to avoid smoking until the wound has completely healed.

6. Refrain from physical activity

Try to stay away from exercise for at least three days after surgery. Contact sport is always a risk and should be avoided until the tooth replacement has completely healed. Alternatively speak to us about your options for mouth guards.

7. Make use of ice packs or hot water bottles

While you will be given pain killers, it is advisable to not completely depend on them. Using ice packs or warm water bottles can help decrease the swelling and ease any discomfort.

8. Medication

If you have been given a course of antibiotics to take after your surgery, please ensure that you complete the course.

To find out if veneers are a suitable treatment option for you, contact us at Crookes & Jenkins today.

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